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PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (1358)
Registration Status: Currently Registered
Headquarters Address: Birchstrasse 160, Zurich, Zurich 8050
Other Names Used in Issuing Audit Reports: PricewaterhouseCoopers SA; PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd (other languages)
Predecessor Firm to Whose Registration
the Firm Succeeded:
Registration Date: 06/10/2004
For a list of issuers (if any) that the firm has audited, or in whose audits the firm has played a substantial role, see Part IV of the firm's annual reports.

Annual and Special Reporting by the Firm
FormFiled DateSpecial Report Relates To
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2024 06/28/2024
Amended Annual Report (Form 2/A) For Reporting Year 2023 05/23/2024
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2023 06/30/2023
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2022 06/17/2022
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2021 06/24/2021
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2020 06/30/2020
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2019 06/27/2019
Special Report (Form 3) 10/09/2018 Certain Legal Proceedings
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2018 07/02/2018
Special Report (Form 3) 01/08/2018 Changes in the Firm or the Firm's Board Contact Person
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2017 06/21/2017
Special Report (Form 3) 05/05/2017 Certain Legal Proceedings
Special Report (Form 3) 02/09/2017 Licenses and Certification
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2016 06/22/2016
Special Report (Form 3) 08/24/2015 Licenses and Certification
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2015 06/22/2015
Special Report (Form 3) 10/02/2014 Certain Legal Proceedings
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2014 06/30/2014
Special Report (Form 3) 11/18/2013 Certain Legal Proceedings
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2013 06/13/2013
Special Report (Form 3) 10/01/2012 Certain Legal Proceedings
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2012 06/21/2012
Special Report (Form 3) 07/11/2011 Certain Legal Proceedings
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2011 06/27/2011
Special Report (Form 3) 11/25/2010 Licenses and Certification
Annual Report (Form 2) For Reporting Year 2010 06/28/2010
Special Report (Form 3) 04/30/2010 Certain Legal Proceedings
Special Report (Form 3) 02/01/2010 Certain Legal Proceedings,
Licenses and Certification,
Changes in the Firm or the Firm's Board Contact Person

Auditor Reporting of Certain Audit Participants
FormFiled DateIssuer NameAudit Report DateEngagement Partner
Form AP 09/13/2024 Amcor plc 08/16/2024 D'Angelo, Adam Michael
Form AP 06/28/2024 Global Blue Group Holding AG 06/05/2024 Johnson, Colin
Form AP/A 05/30/2024 Amcor plc 08/17/2023 Kartscher, Peter
Form AP 09/13/2023 Amcor plc 08/17/2023 Kartscher, Peter
Form AP 05/29/2024 NLS Pharmaceutics Ltd 05/15/2024 Rossi, Bruno
Form AP 04/24/2024 Credit Suisse AG 03/28/2024 Falconer, Matthew George
Form AP 04/17/2024 Oculis Holding AG 03/19/2024 Foley, Michael
Form AP 04/08/2024 ADC Therapeutics SA 03/13/2024 Schulthess, Luc
Form AP 04/03/2024 AC Immune SA 03/14/2024 Rossi, Bruno
Form AP 04/03/2024 On Holding AG 03/12/2024 Balkanyi, Patrick
Form AP 03/20/2024 SOPHiA GENETICS SA 03/05/2024 Foley, Michael
Form AP 03/08/2024 Philip Morris International Inc. 02/08/2024 Clark, Mary Catherine
Form AP/A 03/08/2024 Philip Morris International Inc. 02/10/2023 Mueller, Chad F
Form AP 03/16/2023 Philip Morris International Inc. 02/10/2023 Mueller, Chad F
Form AP 03/06/2024 Novartis AG 02/01/2022 Benz, Claudia
Form AP/A 03/06/2024 Novartis AG 02/01/2022 Benz, Claudia
Form AP 03/03/2022 Novartis AG 02/01/2022 Benz, Claudia
Form AP 07/14/2023 Global Blue Group Holding AG 06/28/2023 Johnson, Colin
Form AP 05/26/2023 NLS Pharmaceutics Ltd 05/05/2023 Balkanyi, Patrick
Form AP 04/21/2023 ObsEva SA 03/31/2023 Schulthess, Luc
Form AP 04/20/2023 Oculis Holding AG 03/28/2023 Foley, Michael
Form AP 04/19/2023 On Holding AG 03/21/2023 Balkanyi, Patrick
Form AP 04/18/2023 AC Immune SA 03/16/2023 Foley, Michael